
Showing posts from 2024

Moderating UNA-USA, event on Mental Health in Ukraine - Restoring Health as the First Step to Restoring Hope

 Report on Event: Mental Health in Ukraine - Restoring Health as the First Step to Restoring Hope Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024   Time: 7:00 PM Pacific Time   Hosted by: UNA-USA, SFV Chapter   Prepared by: Dr. Soraya Fallah On June 12, 2024, the UNA-USA San Fernando Valley (SFV) Chapter held a significant event titled "Mental Health in Ukraine: Restoring Health as the First Step to Restoring Hope." This event addressed the critical mental health crisis currently facing Ukraine. We were privileged to receive support from the Red Cross and several mental health professionals who attended the event. The session was recorded and will be made available to interested individuals and groups for further education and engagement. The event was moderated by myself, Dr. Soraya Fallah, where I had the honor of introducing our esteemed speaker, Catie Clifford. Ms. Clifford, the Corporate Donor Engagement Coordinator for Medical Teams International, delivered an informative and well-struc

Addressing the Unaccompanied Minor Crisis: Insights from the 2nd Annual Unaccompanied Minors – Welcome Fair

  Addressing the Unaccompanied Minor Crisis: Insights from the 2nd Annual Unaccompanied Minors – Welcome Fair Dr. Soraya Fallah On May 25, 2023, I had the opportunity to join like-minded professionals at the 2nd Annual Unaccompanied Minors – Welcome Fair. This event, hosted by the Office of Immigrant Affairs and the Los Angeles County Office of Business Affairs, was held in Los Angeles. We participated on behalf of the Migrant/Refugee Education Program of LAUSD, a federally funded initiative designed to enrich and respond to the educational and health needs of migrant children. The event aimed to provide essential assistance with DPSS programs and enrollment to support unaccompanied minors. Many other organizations participated, including the Los Angeles County Office of First District, Immigrant Affairs, Office of Education / LACOE, Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project (co-host), USC, and more. Our collective efforts were dedicated to ensuring these vulnerable children have access to es

A Plea to the UN: Educate the World on Human Rights Violators, not Commemorate them!

A Plea to the UN: Do Not Commemorate Human Rights Violator Ebrahim Raisi In a fervent plea addressed to Mr. Dennis Francis, President of the UN General Assembly, we, a coalition of Iranian human rights advocates—including former political prisoners, relatives, and friends of victims of Ebrahim Raisi’s regime—express our deep concern and indignation over the proposed commemoration of Raisi. Highlighting his significant role in the execution of thousands of political prisoners and the suppression of various civil movements, we detail Raisi’s direct involvement in numerous human rights atrocities. These include his participation in the 1988 “Death Committee,” responsible for the mass execution of over 4,500 political prisoners, his association with the downing of Flight PS752, and the harsh crackdown on protesters and minority groups. Memorializing Raisi, who has not denied his brutal actions, contradicts the core principles of justice and human rights upheld by the United Nations. We, a

Dr. Soraya Fallah presents @CSUN Commencement: Alumni Association Welcomes New Graduates with Open Arms

On Saturday, May 18, I participated in the CSUN commencement to talk to and congratulate all graduates of the College of Education and the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, including those earning BAs, MAs, MSs, and Doctoral degrees. Speaking on behalf of 425,000 Matadors, I shared that their future is bright with endless possibilities and that the world awaits the unique contributions they have to offer. I reminded them that the Alumni Association is here to help as they embark on their post-graduation journeys.  I congratulate and welcomed them to the CSUN Alumni family!   post 2017 and post 2024

2Teach Global Associate Dr. Fallah will represent in CSUN Commencement

Celebrating Milestones, Welcoming New Graduates at CSUN Commencement Ceremony As we stand on the threshold of yet another academic milestone, we are reminded of the essence of our shared journey and the collective achievements we celebrate. Every year, CSUN's alma mater selects a distinguished alumni member to extend a warm embrace to the graduating class as they take their first steps into the esteemed community of CSUN alumni. This year, it fills me with immense pride to announce that a cherished member of our Education Alumni Chapter Board will stand as the embodiment of our collective accomplishments, representing our vast network of over 420,000 CSUN alumni at the combined commencement ceremony for the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and the Michael D. Eisner College of Education. The event will take place on Saturday, May 18, 2024, at 6 p.m., as we gather on the University Library lawn to witness this pivotal moment. It is with great honor that I accept this respons