Dr. Soraya Fallah Awards and Achievements(partial)



Fallah is the recipient of  several awards for her projects, dedication, community leadership, academic excellence, and writings, such as:  U.S Senate  Commendation, California's Senior Senator Dianne Feinstein, In honor & Recognition of accomplishments and Perseverance in promoting Women’s Rights; County of Los Angeles Commendation, Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, in recognition of dedicated service to the affairs of the community and for the civic pride demonstrated by numerous contributions for the benefit of all the residents of Los Angeles County, Jun 2019; Kurdish American Education Society (KAES) Education Grant for contribution to underserve population of students dealing with disabilities throughout the world by publishing a reference book : "Learning Challenges for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Students With Disabilities", May 2020; “Women in diplomacy” recognition, 2018;CSUN Excellence in Academic and Personal Achievement Award, Honor Convocation, 2017;“Honor Society, Pi Lambda Theta Award”, in recognition of  excellent academic performance and dedication in education, April 2015;  IWD award for serving vulnerable community , March2015; the United Nation Association of USA’s Global Citizen Award ,Los Angeles, September 27th 2012;  the Iranian Women Study Foundation (IWSF) Critical Feminist  ward” 2012; “Leadership and Human Rights award “in The 4th Annual Sheriff's Show, Honoring Men & Women in Uniform, Community & Business Leaders, April 2012; Recognition and Appreciation Award for outstanding efforts, dedication and leadership to Kurdish Society from Canadian Kurdish Association of Calgary, Kurdistan Alberta Cultural Immigration Society, and Canadian Kurdish Community for Human Rights, 2010; Global Women's Rights award, The Feminist Majority Foundation honored the One Million Signatures Campaign, change for equality, 2009; United Nation Association of USA appreciation award  for excellent speaker, 2008; Los Angeles Unified School District, Certificate of Achievement “the everybody Heroes in Education”, 2004. 

And many more...

See some snaps of the awards...

  • Kurdish Community of Southern California (KCSC) Award, in recognition of her 17 years of dedicated service to the community, 2024

  • Certificate of appreciation provided for supporting families and prompting wellness in school and community by facilitating the Walk to Wellness Workshop in 2023-2024 from Wellness Program at the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Department of Health and Human Services 

  • CSUN Center for Teaching & Learning Certificate of Recognition presented to Dr. Soraya Fallah as an esteemed presenter at the What Really Works Conference High-leverage Practices and Collaboration, Sep30, 2023

    •  LAUSD, Wellness Program, Healthy Start program for Certificate of Appreciation for Healthy Habit and Wellness workshops 2022

      UNWomen-LA Chapter  Nominated Soraya Fallah, she received the following recognitions. 

    • ·      County of Los Angeles Commendation, Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, in recognition of dedicated service to the affairs of the community and for the civic pride demonstrated by numerous contributions for the benefit of all the residents of Los Angeles County, Jun 2019  
      •     U.S Senate  Commendation, California's Senior Senator Dianne Feinstein, In honor & Recognition of accomplishments and Perseverance in promoting Women’s Right 

      Honorable Sen.Dianne Feinstein sent a letter as well. 
    • ·       Women in diplomacy recognition, 2018

      ·   https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/news/0325dc44-8bc6-462d-8932-cb86a6520dc5

      • Kurdish American Education Society (KAES) Education Grant for contribution to underserved populations of students dealing with disabilities throughout the world by publishing a reference book: "Learning Challenges for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Students With Disabilities", May 2020;

      - CSUN Excellence in Academic and Personal Achievement Award, Honor Convocation, 2017
      CSU, 31st Annual Statewide Student Research Competition,May 2017


    • Recipient of International Women's Day award for serving vulnerable community March2015
    •   Recipient of Honor Society, Pi Lambda Theta, April 2015

    • “Honor Society, Pi Lambda Theta Award”, in recognition of  excellent academic performance and dedication in education, April 2015 

    • http://www.vokradio.com/content/view/1892/35/

      · ·       UCLA Library, Acknowledgment of Project Accomplishment for the UCLA Library Special Collections for help in Developing the library’s Resources, 2013 (Letter and book ”UCLA,the First century”)

      ·       Recipient of the United Nation Association of USA’s Global Citizen Award ,Los Angeles, September 27th 2012

      ·       Recipient of the IWSF 2012 “Critical Feminist Award” 

       “Leadership and Human Rights award “in The 4th Annual Sheriff's Show, Honoring Men & Women in Uniform, Community & Business Leaders. on April 2012

      ·       Recipient of Recognition and Appreciation Award for outstanding efforts, dedication and leadership to Kurdish Society from Canadian Kurdish Association of Calgary, Kurdistan Alberta Cultural Immigration Society, and Canadian KCHR, 2010.

      ·       Global Women's Rights award, The Feminist Majority Foundation honored the One Million Signatures Campaign, change for equality 2009


      - United Nation Association of USA appreciation award  for excellent speaker 2008

      ·       Los Angeles Unified School District, Certificate of Achievement “the everybody Heroes in Education”, 2003

      Some Videos 


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