Organizational Work and Volunteer ship; Soraya Fallah & United Nations Association

Meet Dr. Soraya Fallah: A tireless advocate for women's and human rights, and a dedicated researcher. With a lifelong commitment to these causes, Dr. Fallah has made significant contributions as a VP program of the UNASUA-SFV chapter and currently serves as the advocacy chair for the UNAUSA chapter.

Joining the organization in 2006, Dr. Fallah quickly ascended to leadership positions, becoming a board member, vice president of programs, and advocacy chair. Her responsibilities extend to managing the chapter's social media presence across platforms like Facebook and Instagram, crafting compelling flyers, promptly responding to messages, and curating a YouTube channel essential for documenting the chapter's history.

Dr. Fallah's work goes beyond administrative duties. She actively engages in proposing educational initiatives and motions concerning women's rights, Middle Eastern issues, and disability rights. Collaborating closely with colleagues Ginny Hatfield and David Tukman, she consistently develops programs that advance human rights causes.

In 2023, Dr. Fallah furthered her commitment to advocacy by organizing a groundbreaking program on "Women, Life, Freedom in Iran," inviting experts to shed light on crucial issues facing women in the region. This initiative underscored her ongoing dedication to amplifying voices and raising awareness of human rights challenges.

Additionally, Dr. Fallah has been instrumental in preparing press releases to support journalists and women's rights activists in Iran and around the globe in previous years. Through these efforts, she has played a vital role in spotlighting injustices and advocating for meaningful change on an international scale.

Recognizing the excellence of her efforts, Dr. Fallah nominated her chapter for the "Best Programs" accolade. Moreover, she was honored with the United Nations' Global Citizen Award in recognition of her exceptional activities and dedication to promoting human rights globally.


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