Dr. Soraya Fallah's Books, chapter books and SME

Book: Learning Challenges for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Students With Disabilities
Soraya Fallah (California State University, Northridge, USA),
 Bronte Reynolds (California Lutheran University, USA) 
and Wendy Murawski (California State University, Northridge, USA)

Link to the book, please click this link

Dr. Soraya Fallah, Dr. Bronte Reynolds, Dr. Wendy Murawski  book published 


Chapter of the following book:
Women in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations
S. Behnaz Hosseini (Ed.)
An Anthology of Cases from Iraq, Iran, Syria and Other Countries
My chapter is:
Kurdish Women Challenges and Struggles at the time of Conflict and Post-Conflict
An Exploratory Research Study on Status of Kurdish Women in Iran
A Holistic Approach

Dr. Soraya Fallah, Doctor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, California State University, Northridge (CSUN)

This collected volume focuses on women's suffering and the conditions of their societies during conflict and post-conflict situations in Iraq, Iran, Syria and other countries. The contributions examine and explore not only general narratives but also various specific aspects of the conflict and post-conflict situations in relation to the roles and statuses of these women, with a number of scholars reflecting on topics from various disciplines and key areas such as the Middle East. This collection also includes some articles on the suffering of women outside of the Middle East, thus illustrating the similarity of some general issues women have to face throughout the world.


Chapter Book: Challenges and Strategies for Establishing Strong Partnerships: Special Education and CLD Families

Soraya Fallah (California State University, Northridge, USA) and Wendy Weichel Murawski (California State University – Northridge, USA)


In Farsi
‏سرشناسه:ف‍لاح‌، ث‍ری‍ا
‏عنوان و نام پديدآور:م‍ج‍ارس‍ت‍ان‌ / گ‍ردآوری‌ و ت‍ن‍ظی‍م‌ ث‍ری‍ا ف‍لاح‌؛ [ب‍رای‌] دف‍ت‍ر م‍طال‍ع‍ات‌ س‍ی‍اس‍ی‌ و ب‍ی‍ن‌ال‍م‍ل‍ل‍ی‌ وزارت‌ ام‍ور خ‍ارج‍ه‌.
‏مشخصات نشر:ت‍ه‍ران‌: وزارت‌ ام‍ور خ‍ارج‍ه‌، م‍وس‍س‍ه‌ چ‍اپ‌ و ان‍ت‍ش‍ارات‌‏‫، ۱۳۷۴.‏‬
‏مشخصات ظاهری:[۱۶۵] ص‌.: ن‍ق‍ش‍ه‌ (رن‍گ‍ی‌)، ج‍دول‌.
‏فروست:م‍ب‍اح‍ث‌ ک‍ش‍وره‍ا و س‍ازم‍ان‍ه‍ای‌ ب‍ی‍ن‌ال‍م‍ل‍ل‍ی‌؛ ۲۸.
‏شابک:‏‫۳۶۰۰ری‍ال‌‏‬ ؛ ‏‫۳۶۰۰ریال (چاپ دوم)‏‬
‏يادداشت:‏‫ص‌. ع‌. ب‍ه‌ ان‍گ‍ل‍ی‍س‍ی‌:‭‎Hungary‭.‬
‏يادداشت:چاپ دوم: ۱۳۷۵.
‏یادداشت:ک‍ت‍اب‍ن‍ام‍ه‌: ص‌. [۱۶۰] - ۱۶۱.
‏شناسه افزوده:ایران. وزارت امور خارجه. موسسه چاپ و انتشارات
‏شناسه افزوده:ایران. وزارت امور خارجه. مرکز آموزش و پژوهش‌های بین‌المللی. دفتر مطالعات سیاسی و بین‌المللی
‏رده بندی کنگره:‏‫‬‭DB۹۰۶‏‫‬‮‭/ف۸م۳ ۱۳۷۴
‏رده بندی دیویی:‏‫‬‭۹۴۳/۹
‏شماره کتابشناسی ملی:‭م‌۷۴-۵۰۳۸


Book Reviews as Subject Matter Expert (SME)

§  - Chapter Book Review: A Passion for Justice: One Man's Dedication to Civil Rights,chapter Human Rights and National Security, Ralph David Fertig ,July 2017

    -Book: Inside Syria: The Back story of Their Civil War and What the World Can Expect, Prometheus Books , 2014

§   -Book: Tale of Two Nazanin, HarperCollins Publisher  2012

Interviews on authorship:

In a list

Books and Chapter book:
Text Book:
Learning Challenges for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Students with Disabilities, IGI Global Publication. Authors: Soraya Fallah, Bronte Reynolds, Wendy Murawski, 2020[1]

Chapter book:
Kurdish Women Challenges and Struggles at the time of Conflict and Post-Conflict, A Holistic Approach 
An Exploratory Research Study on Status of Kurdish Women in Iran, Soraya Fallah
Source Title: Women in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations.2020 lit-verlag[2]

Chapter book:
Challenges and Strategies for Establishing Strong Partnerships: Special Education and CLD Families
Soraya Fallah and Wendy Weichel Murawski 
Source Title: Social Justice and Parent Partnerships in Multicultural Education Contexts, 2018[3]

Giving Voice to an invisible population: the experiences of families of students with disabilities from the Middle East, North Africa, and Southwest Asia (MENASWA) in the United States Special Education System (doctoral dissertation). California State University, Northridge, CA

History and Politics of Hungary, Resource based, exploratory project Green Book Project Series:, IPIS, Tehran 1995 (Farsi print)

Reference Books:
Investigation and Summary of the Theses of Experts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Iran during the Period of 1979 to 1996, Volumes 1,2,3, and 4 Reference Book Set, IPIS, Tehran 1996 (Farsi print)

Journal Articles in APA format:

Fallah, S., Murawski, W., & Moradian, Z. (2018). "The Importance of Developing Cultural Competence in Working with Families of Students with Disabilities from the Middle East, North Africa, and Southwest Asia," The Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship: Vol. 7: No. 1 , Article 5. Available at: http://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/josea/vol7/iss1/5
Fallah, S., Moradian, C., & Murawski, W. (2018, September 8). Book Review: Kozleski, E. B., & Thorius, K. K. (Eds.). (2014). Ability, equity, and culture: Sustaining inclusive urban education reform. Retrieved from http://www.jsard.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/JSARD-Summer-2018-final-book-review.pdf
Fallah, S., & Moradian, C. (2018). ERIC - Critique of "A Big Apple for Educators: New York City's Experiment with Schoolwide Performance Bonuses: Final Evaluation Report", 2017. Retrieved from https://eric.ed.gov/?q=Soraya+Fallah&id=ED582793
Fallah, S., & Moradian, C. (2018). New Directions in Special Education: Eliminating Ableism in Policy and Practice, NACADA. Retrieved from https://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Resources/Book-Reviews/Current-Past-Book-Reviews/New-Directions-in-Special-Education-Eliminating-Ableism-in-Policy-and-Practice.aspx
Fallah, S., & Moradian, C. (2018). Voicing Personal Values to Create Institutional Change. Junto Magazine3(4). Retrieved from https://juntomagazine.com/issues/volume-3-issue-4/voicing-personal-values-to-create-institutional-change/ 
Fallah, S. (2017). Giving Voice to an invisible population: the experiences of families of students with disabilities from the Middle East, North Africa, and Southwest Asia (MENASWA) in the United States Special Education System (doctoral dissertation). California State University, Northridge, CA.
Fallah, S. (2017). Experiences of MENASWA families of students with disabilities. CTL on the Cutting Edge. Retrieved from http://www.csun.edu/sites/default/files/Cutting-Edge-Episode-Seven.pdf

Section 2

Non-refereed Publications
Fallah, S. (2017, February 14). Entrepreneurship in the field of education. Retrieved from http://sundial.csun.edu/2017/02/entrepreneurship-in-the-field-of-education/

Articles on different subjects in English, Persian, and Kurdish on topics related to Educational Leadership, entrepreneurship, International Law and women’s rights, international legal actions, honor killings, and violence are available in print upon request. 2002-Present

APA  reference:

[1] Fallah, S., Reynolds, B., & Murawski, W. (2020). Learning Challenges for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Students With Disabilities (pp. 1-337). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-2069-7

[2] Fallah, S. (2020). Kurdish Women Challenges and Struggles at the time of Conflict and Post-Conflict An Exploratory Research Study on Status of Kurdish Women in Iran. In Women in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations (pp. 53-94). LIT Verlag Münster.

[3]Fallah, S., & Murawski, W. W. (2018). Challenges and Strategies for Establishing Strong Partnerships: Special Education and CLD Families. In Social Justice and Parent Partnerships in Multicultural Education Contexts (pp. 65-83). IGI Global.


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