
Showing posts from January, 2024

The Kurdish Community of Southern California presented an appreciation award to its immediate past vice president, Dr. Soraya Fallah, in recognition of her 17 years of dedicated service to the community.

At the New Year's evening community gathering hosted by the Kurdish Community of Southern California (KCSC), Dr. Soraya Fallah was honored with an Appreciation Award for her remarkable 17 years of service to the community. Jan 1st 2024 Voice of Kurdish-American(VOK) Soraya Fallah, a Kurdish women and human rights researcher , activist, and community mobilizer, served as the immediate past vice president and a founding member of the Kurdish Community of Southern California (KCSC). From its inception in 2006 until January 2023, Soraya dedicated her time and expertise to the organization, devoting time to media and public relations throughout her tenure. Collaborating with her colleagues on the KCSC board of directors, she o rganized community gatherings,   mobilized for urgent human rights actions , coordinated culturally enriching events such as Newroz celebrations and festivals, and hosted Kurdish artists and singers.  Soraya consistently honored and acknowledged the efforts

Soraya Fallah: My leadershop style and commitment to myself

As the new year begins, and people often make resolutions, I've been reflecting on my leadership style. When asked about it, I prioritize people, specifically aiming to promote inclusivity and empowerment to inspire and motivate others. I focus on building relationships, including those that support gender equality, and set clear goals for our collective efforts. Instead of centering on myself, I empower my team through coaching and fostering growth, actively collaborating to solve problems for shared success. I consistently express my belief in innovation, dedicating myself to promoting it as a driving force and fostering an environment where everyone can contribute, regardless of background or identity. As an agent of change committed to inclusivity, I adapt readily to new challenges, grounding my actions in a visionary approach and cultivating a team-oriented culture that values diversity and inclusion, guided by principles of integrity. In defining my leadership style, I acknow