
Showing posts from November, 2018

Presentation Title: Dual Immersion Education a Bridge between Heritage Language &Culture with Academics; A Model for Kurdish Children

I virtually - presented at World Kurdish Congress(WKC) on Friday 23rd around 09:40 Am. My topic is: "Dual immersion education a bridge between heritage language & culture with academics; A model for Kurdish children". This topic is very close to my heart I cover the following , based on my research:  Introductions: Why I chose this topic ?  Presentation Objectives  Definition: Dual –Immersion Education?  Research Problem, why dual-immersion?  The purpose of this study  Research Questions (RQs)  Literature Review  Research design and plan  Findings  Implication and Recommendation for Kurdish people, researchers, investors &entrepreneurs, and parents  Feedback opportunity , interested audience ticket out the door: "Everyone identify one thing you can do to better serve this population, one strategy, or one feedback and email it to me.. #The_4th_World_Kurdish_Congress href="