"Social Justice and Parent Partnerships in Multicultural Education Contexts" was selected for K-12 Online Learning E-Book Collection

On Jun 18,2020, 
IGI, M. Manager reported that our  Publication, Social Justice and Parent Partnerships in Multicultural Education Contexts, Was Chosen to Be Featured in IGI Global's New K-12 Online Learning E-Book Collection. The book was carefully assessed and selected by IGI Global’s executive editorial board for inclusion in our new K-12 Online Learning E-Book Collection.

She indicated : "With many researchers discussing the challenges the K-12 education sector is facing in shifting to online education, this collection was created to provide those within K-12 educational settings (i.e. primary and secondary institutions, educational consultants, school administrators, course developers, and public libraries) with valuable professional development resources as they are facing the challenges of teaching developing minds, disadvantaged youths, and special needs students in online-only environments.

This collection was carefully curated to include 285+ titles from premier researchers, like yourself, and it covers timely topics, including fostering engagement in virtual classrooms; facilitating digital skills; establishing culturally responsive, accessible, and inclusive online environments; transitioning resources and teaching materials to digital formats; and more. It is currently available through IGI Global, as well as some of the most prestigious K-12 learning resource aggregators and providers, including Gale, one of the leading educational and technology companies for K-12 professionals and educators...." 


Social Justice and Parent Partnerships in Multicultural Education Contexts

Editors of this book; Katherine E.L. Norris , Shartriya Collier


Our chapter: Special Education and CLD Families: Challenges and Strategies for Establishing Strong Partnerships
authors: Dr. Soraya Fallah, Dr. Wendy Murawski


About my chapter book


This chapter book “Challenges and Strategies for Establishing Strong Partnerships: Special Education and CLD Families” is part of  book “Social Justice and Parent Partnerships in Multicultural Education Contexts”


Students who are culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) struggle in schools, as do students with disabilities. The intersection of disability and diversity acts as a double jeopardy for these students. Though collaboration between schools and families in the design and implementation of special education services is a key mandate of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, research shows that there continue to be obstacles to effective partnerships between schools and families of students with disabilities, which are even more prominent for families from diverse backgrounds. In this chapter, the authors review the literature and research on partnerships between schools and families of children with disabilities, paying particular attention to those families whose voices are often unheard. Specific research on the experiences of Middle Eastern, North African, and Southwest Asian families is highlighted, and strategies for working with CLD families whose children have disabilities are provided.

 Fallah, S. and Murawski, W. (2018). Challenges and Strategies for Establishing Strong Partnerships: Special Education and CLD Families. In: K. Norris and S. Collier, ed., Social Justice and Parent Partnerships in Multicultural Education Contexts, 1st ed. [online] Hershey, PA: IGI, pp.65-83. Available at: https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/challenges-and-strategies-for-establishing-strong-partnerships/197849 [Accessed 13 Feb. 2018].


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