What is better than reading a book? Best time to read a book under quarantine. Learning Challenges for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Students With Disabilities My book published by IGI Global: International Publisher of Information Science and Technology Research. I share space with two amazing scholars: Dr.Bronte Reynolds , and Dr. Wendy Murawski Date of release: week of Spring started 3/16/2020 This book is dedicated to all the children with disabilities from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) families who, through no fault of their own, are often marginalized and disenfranchised. It is for children who did not choose to be torn apart by war, displacement, or trauma, and who need our attention now more than ever. It is for all the children who, instead of sitting in classrooms, are in refugee camps. It is also dedicated to the people who instilled a life-long passion for learning and teaching in us. We share this with all who seek equity and equalit
I virtually - presented at World Kurdish Congress(WKC) on Friday 23rd around 09:40 Am. My topic is: "Dual immersion education a bridge between heritage language & culture with academics; A model for Kurdish children". This topic is very close to my heart I cover the following , based on my research: Introductions: Why I chose this topic ? Presentation Objectives Definition: Dual –Immersion Education? Research Problem, why dual-immersion? The purpose of this study Research Questions (RQs) Literature Review Research design and plan Findings Implication and Recommendation for Kurdish people, researchers, investors &entrepreneurs, and parents Feedback opportunity , interested audience ticket out the door: "Everyone identify one thing you can do to better serve this population, one strategy, or one feedback and email it to me.. https://www.kurdishcongress.org/program/ #The_4th_World_Kurdish_Congress href="https://3.bp.bl
At the New Year's evening community gathering hosted by the Kurdish Community of Southern California (KCSC), Dr. Soraya Fallah was honored with an Appreciation Award for her remarkable 17 years of service to the community. Jan 1st 2024 Voice of Kurdish-American(VOK) Soraya Fallah, a Kurdish women and human rights researcher , activist, and community mobilizer, served as the immediate past vice president and a founding member of the Kurdish Community of Southern California (KCSC). From its inception in 2006 until January 2023, Soraya dedicated her time and expertise to the organization, devoting time to media and public relations throughout her tenure. Collaborating with her colleagues on the KCSC board of directors, she o rganized community gatherings, mobilized for urgent human rights actions , coordinated culturally enriching events such as Newroz celebrations and festivals, and hosted Kurdish artists and singers. Soraya consistently honored and acknowledged the efforts
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