New publication-Review of "Ability, Equity, and Culture; Sustaining Inclusive Urban Education Reform"

A new publication in educational literature world. 

JSARD is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that supports the development and dissemination of research and scholarship in the area of K-12 school administration and leadership.  Our mission is to publish and disseminate relevant, high-quality literature in educational leadership in order to empower researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to improve K-12 schools.  JSARD publications are possible due to the hard work of our editorial board, peer reviewers, copy editors, and authors.
In this new issue, we are pleased to present eight articles: five original research articles, two best practice articles, and a book review.  These works delve into the topics of educator effectiveness systems, the evaluation of special education teachers, teacher absences, teacher preparation, Common Core State Standards implementation, teacher leader selection, administrator preparation, and urban education reform.  Our issue begins with the work of Pete Goldschmidt and Alia Congdon in their study of the efficacy of a statewide educator effectiveness system in “Exploratory Analysis of Teacher Artifacts as Evidence of Educator Effectiveness Implementation Fidelity.” Next, authors Janelle Rodl, Wes Bonifay, Rebecca Cruz, and Sarah Manchanda, in “A Survey of School Administrators’ Training and Support Related to Evaluating Special Education Teacher,” studied California administrators’ training, confidence, and needs in performing special education teacher evaluation.  The issue continues with the work of Donna Eagle and William Glenn in their article “Teacher Absences in the Commonwealth of Virginia: An Analysis of Patterns and Predictors and Implications for Policy,” in which the authors studied the relationship of school and policy variables to teacher absences in order to inform policy that minimizes those absences.  Following this, Susan Tracz, Paul Beare, and Colleen Torgerson present a longitudinal case study on a teacher preparation program in a school-university partnership.  In “Understanding the Stages of Concerns: Implementation of the Common Core State Standards in Louisiana Schools,” the final research article of the issue, Michelle Abadie and Krishna Bista present their mixed-methods study of the implementation of the Common Core State Standards in public and private schools in a single Louisiana school district.
The first of two best practice articles is Susan Nickerson, Meredith Vaughn, Lisa Lamb, Donna Ross, Randolph Philipp, Raymond LaRochelle, and Kathy Williams’ work that presents a model for selecting teaching leaders in the subjects of math and science in “A Model for Selecting Exemplary Mathematics and Science Teacher Leaders.” This is followed by “Making Preparation Practical: Reducing Aspiring Administrator Time to Competence through Five Types of Leaderly Thinking,” in which James Marshall and Douglas Fisher describe a partnership between San Diego State University and several neighboring school districts designed to better prepare administrators for leadership roles in credential courses through the emphasis of the realities of school leadership.

The final work of the issue is Soraya Fallah, Cklara Moradian, and Wendy Murawski’s review of the text Ability, Equity, and Culture: Sustaining Inclusive Urban Education Reform.  The reviewers provide an overview of the text, an analysis, and suggestions for its application to the work of school leaders.
We thank you for your interest in JSARD’s publication, and we hope that you enjoy this issue.  Moreover, we invite you to join the ongoing quest of JSARD and the Principal Research Center in working towards K-12 school improvement through the study of school administration and leadership.

Joshua Kunnath
JSARD Managing Editor


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