"Giving voice to an invisible population " in the MECA conference

Thanks to CTL's Administrative Analyst ,Dr. Scott, Kathy Lynn for helping to create this professional brochure for MECA conference


In the MECA conference my research under the name  Giving a voice to an invisible population” was placed in “ Special guest speaker” on Sunday 8/20/2017. The conference

The audience were educators, administrators, Professional development seekers, researchers and university professors and lecturers.

I took a brochure made by CTL (Center for Teaching and Learning),CSUN and my card, a table designated to our school because of my participation in which I took all the brochures and advertisement from CSUN’s Michael D. Eisner college of Education with me. My poster was displayed at all time during the conference.

The reactions ranged from praising me for the range of the research to the tips for the educators. Some took note, some asked for more info and some wanted to be in contact. 


MECA, the Multicultural Education Conference in Anaheim, was a two-day multicultural event hosted by The Academia Foundation, a non-profit public charity (a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization), and co-organized by Anaheim University (www.anaheim.edu), an accredited university based in Anaheim, California.

The conference was held at the Anaheim Convention Center from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday, August 19 and 20, 2017. The event was open to the public at no charge.

PRESENTATIONS: The multicultural-related presentations was covered a wide range of topics of importance to teachers, administrators and those interested in multicultural education and intercultural communications. Presentations were made in the following areas:

·         bilingual education

·         TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

·         intercultural communications

I got a chance to meet with MECA CHAIRS:David Nunan, Ph.D who  is a world-acclaimed linguist, author, and former president of TESOL, the world’s largest language teaching organization. More about him:  (http://www.academiafoundation.org/speakers/david-nunan-ph-d/)

And Kate Strauss, MA who is  the Administrative Director at Anaheim University. She was very professional and nice. more about her: http://www.academiafoundation.org/about-the-multicultural-education-conference-in-anaheim-meca/

Kate Strauss, MA who is  the Administrative Director at Anaheim University

MECA CHAIRS:David Nunan, Ph.D

Meeting with Dr. Jose Moreno, CSLB prof, head of Los Amigos, and now member of the Anaheim City Council and Ms.Sylivia Mendez 

Dr. Sarvnaz Hatemi


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